Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Let's be green!

I've decided I want to be healthier in what I eat. I've given up meat for the past 2 months and a half and I seriously think I can continue this lifestyle, because I don't really miss beef or pork or ham. However, I've been eating a lot of pastas and rice which is not the best if you want to loose some weight, so that's why I decided to start drinking green juices in the morning! 

Green juices are a great way to start your day! You can mix a lot of different vegetables and fruits, so just have fun with it! I just follow the simple rule below :)

Perfect Green Juice for me:
 - 1 or 2 different fruits
 - 1 or 2 greens (lettuce or spinach are a great choice!)
 - 1 roots (carrot or kale)
 - 1 teaspoon of seeds
 - 1 cup of water

Hope this helps you to get started in the healthy life! If you have any suggestions of recipes, just post below! Let's create a sharing place!

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